Winward Casino - Reward and withdrawal blunder

User: Breana, Disputed casino: Winward Casino, Status: RESOLVED, Amount: 650 $, Published: 10.07.2019

The gambling club has utilized a reward money back as explanation behind diminished payout when not entitled according to screenapshots. I made a withdrawal of $750 which was allowed and affirmed. I then recieved payment of $77 after expenses which is a setback of $650.
Screenshots show the store - money back reward and withdrawal arranged by event. Equalization at time of $7.50 money back was $392 and play through on the $7.50 was accomplished in any case as parity went to $2500 before dropping to $750 when I chose to withdraw.
Communication with operators has either been expelled or terminated from the fourth - twelfth June when it was affirmed the $750 Withdrawal was endorsed and no record of my account stores preceding the second June appear in my account proclamation. This is third time I've whined submitting what proof is profit through my account.


Winward Casino

We trust this message discovers you well.
We have investigated this issue with the Accounting division and they let us realize that because of your correspondence with them, they have added the $650 to your account, in real money, and furthermore educated you that you can make a withdrawal demand at your most punctual accommodation.
As per the records of your account in any case, we can see that you have played the assets and that there you have no accessible parity for cashout right now.
Kindly don't stop for a second to tell us should you need any assistance in regards to your account, we will investigate it immediately.
Kind respects,
The Winward Club team


Dear @Breana,

Please affirm if the issue has been settled. Be in aware on the off chance that you neglect to react inside the given time period we will think about your issue as settled and your objection will be shut as needs be. If it's not too much trouble remember that according to the AGCCS expressions giving updates in an auspicious way is an unquestionable requirement.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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