Spartan Slots Casino - Simple Spaces not paying

User: nicklaus.ruecker, Disputed casino: Spartan Slots Casino, Status: RESOLVED, Amount: 2023 €, Published: 10.09.2019

Hello : The Austere Spaces club is as yet not paying . Pull back 2.023 euros on the 21st and I was informed that I was handled in 5 days. Recently the 28th was as yet natural and they don't answer to any mail.
I request help
greetings and thanks
I've been holding up multi month to gather the 4000 that I had and I was at last ready to gather my withdrawal


Spartan Slots Casino

We trust this message discovers you well.
Please furnish us with your precise username, as sadly we couldn't find the Simple Spaces account that you are alluding to. We will hit you up with more data on the account and your payout, when we can find it.
We value your collaboration and we are anticipating got notification from you soon.
Straightforward Slots


Dear Straightforward Openings Casino,

KoiSlots Protests Group might want to advise you that player's login subtleties could be found inside the notice email sent from our grievances system. Be that as it may, to abstain from losing time we have recently sent these physically as a private message.

Spartan Slots Casino

Dear KoiSlots,

We trust this message discovers you well.

Please note that we have utilized the data in the notice email, just as the data you have given us, anyway we couldn't find any Simple Openings account with it, that additionally relates to the data that the part furnished us with in regards to a withdrawal.
We might want to explain what account the part is alluding to and we will investigate it immediately.
We value your assistance and we are anticipating got notification from you soon.

Simple Slots


Dear @nicklaus.ruecker,

Please let us know whether you have helped out the gambling club and sent the mentioned data. Please be in aware on the off chance that you neglect to react inside the given time KoiSlots Protests Group will have no other choice however to dismiss this grievance upon submitter's reluctance to cooperate.


Dear @nicklaus.ruecker,

Please remember that KoiSlots doesn't offer multi-language support. That is the reason your most recent post has been evacuated.. Try to peruse cautiously and follow all Protests Rules starting now and into the foreseeable future - https:­//w­ww.a­sk­gam­ble­rs.c­om­/co­mpl­ain­t-g­uid­elines and try to refresh the string in English.


El gambling club ya me ha pagado

The gambling club has just paid me


Based on submitter's last post KoiSlots Objections Group think about this case as Settled and it is formally shut now.

Thank all of you for your cooperation.

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